
Little cloth on the prarie

Posted in artlies, nerdlette by nerdlette on 5 June 2008

if global warming kicks in hardcore, do you think loincloths were ever comeback into style ? (anywhere other than Japan?)

i would be into it. we already rock bikinis and sarongs–loincloths are just the next step.

Or not. seems folks in Zimbabwe get mighty stressed out if you rock one in public. despite the fact that it is the traditional dress [BBC Loincloth furor].

then again, at least a small part of the fascination with FLDS Mormons and public outcry of empathy in the face of child molestation and abuse stems from their adherence to a 19th century homesteader dress code. Seriously, have you see their hairdos?

Its hard to distrust or consider perverse a slew of women that dress like its a Little Cult on the Prairie. [FLDS Dresses]